Sunday, September 23, 2012

One Week Anniversary

Today marks my one week anniversary in London. It feels like so much longer, yet like no time at all. For my anniversary with this amazing city, I thought I would share some of my first impressions of this city.

1. British people love to bike.
This city is congested with bikers. Everywhere you walk bikes are chained to fences and poles. Each block you walk has a Barclay bike rental place where anyone can rent a bike for £1 for 30 minutes. The bikers have no fear, biking through congested streets and next to double decker buses!

2.  You can find very interesting food here.
Since I've been here, I've learned that a full English breakfast includes baked beans and fried bread. In some vending machines you can find shrimp cocktail flavored chips. Even with all these oddities, I have really enjoyed the food I've been eating here.

3. Don't buy 6 hangers for £1.
I don't know if I am just overly aggressive when I'm trying to get dressed or if I am just stronger than I thought but I've already broken 2 hangers in 2 days! 

4. Every building in London is beautiful.
Supermarkets, little restaurants, apartments, and pharmacies are all housed in beautiful buildings. The architecture is truly amazing and really reflects the age of the city. Even the Shard, a skyscraper many Londoners don't like, is a beautiful building looming next to the even more impressive Tower Bridge.   

Learning about all the difference between America and London has been one of the best part of coming here so far. Now I just have to figure out their slang and learn the differences between prats, twats, and wankers.



Matthew Smith said...

Wanker: a masturbator, but when used in general conversation is not meant to be taken literally.

Prat: Fussy, rule-based person, possibly a tattletale. Stuck-up.

Twat: schmuck.

Cool D said...


make sure you speak in with a New Jersey accent. Rumor has it they find that to be "classy"